When Should You Replace Your Floor Tiles?

Posted on 03.08.2023
When Should You Replace Your Floor Tiles? image

It’s a fact that the tiles can be a durable option for your bathroom flooring and walls. However, in due course of time, it is likely to deteriorate as well. There can be many reasons for that.

When your tiles really look awful, then you must call a tile removal service and have them replaced with the latest trendy tiles to bring back the shine and luster of your bathroom. 

When you observe the following few conditions, then it is the right time to replace your tiles.

1.     Small holes

tile with holes

There are a few small holes/chips that are easily repairable but, only if you get it repaired immediately after noticing. This is because a small chip can easily develop into a condition where it becomes irreparable.

2.     Crumbling grout

old tile grout

If the grouts of your tiles are crumbling, then it is the right time to get your tiles replaced. The small grouting problem can soon lead to severe cracks. If you have noticed them, then call the professionals.

3.     The lack of shine

no shine tile

If your building is too old, then the tile colour will start looking dull and faded. When you start noticing the dullness of your tiles, then it is a sign of a restoration or replacement.

4.     Cracked tile

cracked tile

When you notice cracks appearing in several places, then it is the time you consider replacing the cracked ones. You may not get matching ones after a few years and hence total replacement is the only solution.

5.     Water in the grooves

water tile groves

When there is the presence of water inside the grooves, then soon there might be fungal growth and this is very dangerous for your family’s health. If you have noticed fungus on your walls, then consider tile replacement.

6.     Totally out of fashion

old fashion tile

When you start hating to go to your bathroom as it gives a very old and dirty look as the tiles are too old and out of fashion, then you must replace them with any modern contemporary tiles.

7.     Mould growth on tiles

mold and tile

Due to a lack of proper maintenance and cleaning, you will notice mould formation in the grout of your tiles. If you find that it is difficult to remove them, then tile replacement is the only solution.

8.     Too slippery

wet slippery tile floor

If your bathroom tiles have become too slippery due to wear and tear, then it is very likely that any of your family members may slip and fall at any time. To avoid such accidents, you must consider the replacement of your tiles.

9.     Lacks warmth

cold tile

Usually, all tiles may not offer the same amount of warmth, particularly during cold sessions. This can also be one of the many reasons to get rid of your old bathroom tiles.


uncomfortable tile floor

If you notice that while standing on your tiles for a longer duration, it becomes too uncomfortable to stand, better get those replaced.

These days there are many different options available to choose from. If your bathroom tiles are too old then it becomes an eyesore and you can consider a facelift by replacing them with any modern tiles.

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