Chronic health conditions

Posted on 22.10.2021
Chronic health conditions image

Chronic Health Issues Bothering Australians – All That You Need to Know

Living life in good health is a blessing. Health is sometimes defined as the absence of illness and, perhaps that is one of the reasons why we tend to neglect it and not give it its due priority. We do not notice it until we gradually begin to lose it. Sometimes, the result of such neglect will lead to chronic illnesses. This is definitely not a great state to be in.

Time for (alarming) statistics

Here are some statistical data about the overall health of Australians and about the varied types of chronic health ailments Australians are suffering from.

  1. The approximate amount of money collectively spent for treating chronic illnesses of all the Australians in a year is about 40 billion Australian dollars.
  2. The top most common chronic health conditions that affect Australians are cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease and type 2 diabetes.
  3. The National Health Survey discovered that in the year 20017 – 18, arthritis, asthma, back problems, cancer, stroke, osteoporosis are also closely behind the top 3 listed in the previous point.
  4. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare lists almost the same set of ailments as the most common chronic diseases affecting most Australians.
  5. According to Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 50% of the entire Australia suffers from at least one of these.
  6. They also say that 60% of the aged citizens of Australia, who are of 65 or above, suffer from more that 1 ailment from the above list.
  7. One more startling fact is that almost 90% of the deaths happening in Australia is associated with one or the other ailments listed above.
  8. People living in lower socioeconomic conditions are more prone to chronic illness and hence are at a higher risk level. This is pretty logical and not surprising.

Make the most out of the least we have in our hands

As per the experts and the healthcare department officials’ findings and opinions, most factors causing chronic health diseases in the people of Australia are outside of and beyond the individual’s control.

The previous statement makes it clear that we only have few things in our hands and our control. Few things you can do are –

  • Good primary health care
  • Staying aware of the diseases and their causes
  • Prevention of these diseases by lifestyle corrections
  • Early detection of the risk factors and the choric illness itself
  • Properly monitoring our health and our body conditions with regular and periodic health check-ups etc

Therefore, we should make the most of these to keep ourselves in a good state of mind and body.

I assume that these data will alarm you and create urgency in you to set your priorities right in alignment with good health and shift your focus to changing your lifestyle into a health-conscious one.

Not until we lose health do, we realise its importance. However, unfortunately, sometimes, it becomes too late by then. Therefore, it is indispensable that we stay consciously aware and give utmost care and priority to lead a healthy life.

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